Introductory offer - Travelling abroad with your pet? Get in touch to arrange a free 20 minute call to discuss your needs!

Frequently asked questions

How do I get prescription medications, can you sell them to me?

There are variations internationally, but as a general rule, prescription veterinary medicines are only dispensed by veterinarians after physically examining an animal. If you happen to be in Northern Australia this can be arranged, but for the majority of owners this is better done by their usual veterinarian prior to departing. As part of the planning process, I will provide a list of recommended medications, dosage rates, and use cases tailored to your pet's species, medical history and weight, and you can discuss this with your regular veterinarian to acquire the medications.

Can I give human medications to my pet?

The short answer is 'sometimes'. Some medications are safe to use in pets, some are safe with certain caveats, such as different dose rates or intervals, and some (even day-to-day, over-the-counter medicines) can be deadly. It is imperative to discuss human medication use in pets with a veterinarian before taking any risks. As part of our planning process, I can supply information on what medications from your human first-aid kit might be appropriate for your pet in an emergency, and under what circumstances. As a general rule, medications licensed for your pet should be used preferentially to human medications, as these have been specifically tested for safety in that species.

Can I transport prescription medications to [country]?

This varies a lot from country to country. Some have no problems at all, some are fine if medications are properly labelled, some are fine with a veterinarian's note, and some have a blanket ban on certain or any prescription veterinary medicine. Some medications that you can obtain over the counter in one country are flat-out illegal in others. I recommend booking a planning session with me to discuss this, particularly if your pet has ongoing medication requirements.

Do you offer [specific service]?

Possibly! Flick me an email and we can talk.

How can I contact you?

You can reach me by email on the contact page.

Will my pet need to spend time in quarantine?

This will typically depend on what country you are entering, and what country (or countries) your pet has come from. In some situations there will be no quarantine requirement, in some there will be, and in some it may not be possible to bring your pet in at all. Feel free to reach out to discuss your itinerary and pet specifics and we can work out a plan together to make sure you and your pet have the best experience!

orange tabby cat lying on black and white striped textile
orange tabby cat lying on black and white striped textile
I have used some of the consumables in my pet First Aid Kit, can I buy replacements?

Yes, please email me with which items you need replaced and your postal address (so I can calculate postage) and I will set up an invoice for this.